Payment by PayPal
Fill in the registration form and follow the link/button that will redirect you to the ABEI website, where you can make your payment.
Registration includes a three-day access to in-person sessions, conference pack, welcome reception, cultural events, and tea/coffee breaks. On-line participants will be able to attend on-line panels (three panels on the second day of the symposium).
Early Bird Registration closes 20 June 2025.
Regular Registration closes 31 July 2025.
Regular: 150 USD
Early Bird: 80 USD
Student: 50 USD
Online Presentation: 50 USD (either scholars or students)
Attendees/audits: 50 USD (either scholars or students)
Online attendees/audits: 30 USD (either scholars or students)
***For ABEI delegates attending the symposium in person: ABEI annual Membership is exceptionally considered in the registration fee.
***Cash payment (MXN) will only be accepted for participants attending the symposium from Argentina or countries where PayPal is not available.
General scholarships:
Twelve scholarships will be granted to a total of 12 students registered either at UNAM, USP, UNLPam or USAL (this includes only registration fee exemption).
Special scholarships:
Three scholarships will be granted to a total of three students from either USP, UNLPam or USAL travelling to Mexico (this includes registration fee exemption and additional financial support—amount to be confirmed).
For students who are interested in applying for any of the scholarships mentioned above, please send your proposals by 30 April 2025 and also include the following:
-Proof of current registration at your university (either UNAM, USP, UNLPam or USAL for general scholarships and only USP, UNLPam or USAL for special scholarships).
-Statement of purpose: a brief letter in which you provide us with some context about your academic background and personal interest to attend the symposium. 200-250 words.
We kindly ask you to consider supporting the symposium by clicking the “Donate” button. Thank you for your generous support.